Monday, June 10, 2013

Bon Appetite! in Pirot (Serbia)

Trip Details:
Where: Pirot, Serbia
When: 8th June 2013

Okay, so I actually didn't find out how to say that in Serbian, but I did learn how to say "cheers". Živeli or живели (since they use both alphabets as I explained in my previous post) is what echoed from our table the other night. 
Just an ordinary Saturday evening, when all the pubs in your own country suddenly seem less attractive than one across the border.
That's how we ended up in Pirot, Serbia.
Getting there didn't go that smooth, though. Just when we were about to leave the city, I got a call that the alarm at home had gone off and we had to go back. Thankfully, it was a false alarm.
We did arrive eventually and the table was already set.
Serbian cuisine
I'm blocking the thought of  all the lives sacrificed for that dinner. But you know, Serbia is famous for its grilled meat.
As a whole, the food was delicious. Especially the fries. And there were a couple of salads that I'm definitely taking the recepie of if I ever go back.
Some musicians were setting the mood at the pub, two playing the accordion, one - a guitar and one - a violin and all four - singing.
The violin was what amazed me. I mean, they were performing folklore music. Here (in Bulgaria) in such a formation, the fourth instrument would probably be a drum.

We went for a walk on the main pedestrian street.
Main Pedestrian Street in Pirot
 ... and reached what's probably the main square.
Main Square (Pirot)
We were tempted to get in the fountains but managed to tame our urges.
There wasn't much to see there - a hotel, a shopping center, some gallery, a theatre with a belated showing of The Host...
The Host
Nevertheless, the town looked alive. Lots of young people were out and music from a couple bars was filling the air. So if you're in the mood for a good meal, followed by a party - that's the place to go.

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